
Closing Cover Floor Stainless Steel Cleanout
Our Closing Cover Cleanout allows for easy access to drain lines when cleaning is required. Manufactured of 304 stainless steel with an industrial satin finish, Kusel’s Standard Cleanouts are certified by NSF with a load classification of “Extra Heavy Duty” based on ASME A112.36.2M. The closing cover features a perimeter o-ring seal that seals the cover to the product without exposed fasteners.
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Floor Stainless Steel Cleanout
Our Standard Cleanout allows for easy access to drain lines when cleaning is required. Manufactured of 304 stainless steel with an industrial satin finish, Kusel’s Standard Cleanouts are certified by NSF with a load classification of “Extra Heavy Duty” based on ASME A112.36.2M. Cleanout covers secured with 3 stainless steel fasteners.
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